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Podcasts for communication of supervisory boards

In two podcasts so far, Sandra BInder-Tietz has talked about the relevance of board communication.

Directors Academy Podcast

In the Directors Academy Podcast for the Supervisory Board, Sandra Binder-Tietz and governance and sustainability expert Rudolf X. Ruter talked about “Communication of Supervisory Board Chairs – Expectations and Observations”.

Ruter, Rudolf (Moderator). (2023, 16. Juni). Podcast für den Aufsichtsrat #32 mit Dr. Sandra Binder-Tietz [Audio-Podcast]. Directors Academy.

The Voice of Frankfurt-Podcast

Sandra Binder-Tietz spoke with Marcus Sander and Carsten Werle from ALLINCAPITALS about the role of the chair of the supervisory board in capital market communication and what to look out for in preparation and implementation.

Werle, Marcus (Moderator). (2023, 27. März). The Voice of Frankfurt – Im Gespräch mit Dr. Sandra Binder-Tietz [Audio-Podcast]. ALLINCAPITALS.